Saturday, May 12, 2007

May 12 2007

Taylor is doing well. She has spent the past few days on the vent and hasn't been able to go out. Nothing major was wrong, just a little mucus in her lungs and the vent helps her out when things like that happen. Tomorrow is mothers day and she will be able to spend a few hours out of the hospital. Her mom is so excited. Taylor was visited by Romy, a girl in Chico who had her jars all over town to help raise money for Taylor. Taylor enjoyed the visit and loves the jar Romy brought her. Taylors brother has been by several times to see her and she can't wait to get home. Hopefully only a few more weeks and the family will be home.

Some of Marsh Jr. High's students are putting on a benefit for Taylor. Nicole Hill, Corinne Kamrar, and Keleey Butterfield are putting on a benefit called "Tap your Toes for Taylor" at the Chico Theatre Company located at 166 Eaton Ave. on May 19 at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $10 a piece. The Full Force Hip Hop and Jaz company, Chico Company Ballet, and the Oliver Academy of Irish Dance will be performing. You can purchase tickets at Marsh Jr. Hig(after school), Matson and Isom, Chico Country Day preschool, or Chico Creek Dance Center. A great night of dancing, food and raffles. Any questions please call 530-345-1766.

The family continues to be thankful for all the love and support everyone has given them. Thank you all so much.


Jillian said...


Happy Mothers Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day Tammy! We thought of you today and can't wait til you are home celebrating holidays like today together. Much love, Kelly, Brooke and Avery Huber

Anonymous said...

Greetings Taylor !!

I am so very happy to hear that you are doing so well ! I was very pleased to see that there is a wonderful way to send our love and comments to you ! I was not aware of such a lovely way communicate with you. I want you to know that all of us here at Saints Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Mission Church in Chico have been praying for you, since members told us about you. You are indeed in our thoughts and prayers, continually. Have no doubt that Our Lord is watching over you, because He is !!
God will keep you safe, Taylor !
Yours In Christ,
Firmilian Ormiston :)